Meet Kirk Price, the NASCAR official who took a knee during the national anthem

UPDATED JUNE 09, 2020 10:52 AM

Amid the masked, mostly white faces at NASCAR’s Sunday race at Atlanta Motor Speedway, one official stood out. Kirk Price, a 49-year-old African American, saluted the flag from his knee during the national anthem.

“I come from humble beginnings and I believe in humble protesting,” Price said.

NASCAR condemned racial injustice and racism during its pre-race ceremony with a message from the sport’s president, Steve Phelps, as well as a video organized by Cup Series drivers that recognized Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, African Americans who were unjustly murdered this year because of their skin color. Floyd’s recent death at the hands of Minnesota police has sparked nationwide protests, which are continuing into a third week.

NASCAR official: ‘I believe in humble protesting

Jun 8, 2020, 9:51 EDT

A black NASCAR official who saluted the flag from his knee during the national anthem Sunday told The Charlotte Observer that “I come from humble beginnings and I believe in humble protesting.”

Kirk Price, a NASCAR technical inspector, took a knee and raised his right fist during the invocation before Sunday’s Cup race at Atlanta Motor Speedway. Price, who told the Observer that he served on active duty for three years in the U.S. Army, remained kneeling while saluting the flag during the National Anthem.